Georgia 2024

This past weekend we went to Swainsboro for my niece Chloe’s 7th birthday party. My daughter and Chloe are good friends.  It was a great trip! We arrived on Saturday and went straight to the party. We took my Mom with us, she hasn’t been on an overnight trip anywhere in a few years, and hasn’t stayed away from home since Dad was in the hospital. I think she was nervous the whole time, about travelling, safety, her dog at home, etc… 

The party was great, pools and a giant inflatable slide at Cory’s house. My sister had a near catastrophe trying to go up the slide. She survived. It was not captured on video.

On Sunday we went to Augusta, GA to visit Sarah’s sister and her two-year old twin niece and nephew that we’ve had never met. This was pretty monumental, it’s been 4+ years since any of us have seen her in person, and it was particularly important for Aden. We had a good time at the Riverwalk, and ate lunch at a little place called The Boll Weevil Café and Sweetery. I had a pimento cheese burger.

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January 1978 Sports Illustrated with Roberto Duran On The Cover

That address label, though.

1978 January Sports Illustrated

1978 January Sports Illustrated, Roberto Duran Boxing

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July 23rd, 2023 My Father Died

My Dad died almost one month ago. He was of course, an important part of who I am. His presence will always be here. I’ll always talk about him. He was the best Dad, I wasn’t always a good son. I sure do miss him. He set a good example as a father.

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Rest In Peace, Tina Turner

She was 83, the “Queen Of Rock and Roll”

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Zamfir: Master Of The Pan Flute

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Go Jaguars.

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Highway and Railroad Bridges Across St. John’s River

Aerial View, showing Highway and Railroad Bridges across St. John's River, Jacksonville, Fla.

Aerial View, showing Highway and Railroad Bridges across St. John’s River, Jacksonville, Fla.

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Wednesday 11/10 — Busy All Day.

It was my day off. I woke up at 6am to get ready and drive the 11-yr old to school (not nearby), come back home and get ready for a day full of doctors appointments for our baby girl. We were at Wolfson for her 11:30am appointment even though they kept us in the waiting room until 12:15 when I went to the desk to let them know baby girl has another appointment at Nemours at 1:30pm. They got to us pretty quickly after that. Surprisingly, baby girl didn’t cry or complain the whole time in the waiting room. She was not happy with the medical procedures though, she screamed the entire time. My poor baby girl. After that we had to go to Nemours so her doctor could fill us in on the details. Fortunately, my baby girl is going to be fine! 🙂

When we got to Nemours, my wife and I were both super hungry and felt like we were starving. I left her and Baby Girl in the waiting room while I hauled ass to find a cafeteria and bring food back.  I ended up with a not-good grilled cheese sandwich for myself and a veggie wrap for my wife. I ate mine IN the doctors office before the doctor came in. She saved hers for the car. We finally left about 2:30pm

After that? I had to drive to the Beach Blvd Jax Humane Society to bail one of my dogs out of jail. He got locked up a few days ago and they called me to let me know they had him (He’s micro-chipped). He has always been an escape artist, and very athletic., good at jumping, running, digging. We left the Humane Society with Rocky in my front seat, and wife and baby in the back. Now we’ve gotta haul ass home before the 11-yr old gets off his school bus. We barely made it in time, and pick him up on his walk home while we still had Rocky in the car. They were happy to see each other and be reunited I think.

Got home about 4:15pm and my parents came by to see us and check on Baby Girl. They didn’t stay very long but it was nice to see them. We invited them to go with us to watch Aden’s Muay Thai class at 5pm but they had other places to go also. So, the wife, baby, Aden and myself also go to his Muay Thai class at 5pm, but after that we need to go grocery shopping so we’re at the store until 7pm…and all of us are hungry and tired.

Pizza is the cure.

Gotta work a 5am-6pm shift the next morning at my job. I can’t stay up too late, I want to go to sleep anyway, I’ve been wanting a nap all day. My day was hectic, but any time I get to spend with my family is a fun time and I’d rather do nothing else.

Long story short, I’ve had a long, busy few days. 



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TV Commercials From 1987

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Vacation From Work

I’m on a week vacation from work this week. Much needed and appreciated. We are staying home and getting things done around the house. There’s nothing I enjoy more than being home with my family. I think it’s super important for the kids to have me and my wife both here as much as possible. I only took one week off earlier in the year when our daughter was born, and this week was needed. We were originally supposed to go to The Killers concert in St. Augustine, but as I said in an earlier blog post, it got cancelled.

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